Starting June 5th, Jen Fanning will be taking a three month sabbatical and one month professional internship. As the only rural recipient of the sabbatical award, Jen has the unique opportunity to advocate to the Foundation on behalf of rural nonprofits and...
Home Health and Hospice Community Updates
Press release below regarding the current update on the community's Home Health and Hospice services. May 24, 2021 Contact: Jen Fanningjfanning@gcruralhealth.org970-725-3477 Hot Sulphur Springs, CO – Grand County desperately needs home health and hospice...
Welcome Aboard Anita Rome!
We're excited to announce that Anita Rome started as a care coordinator for the Rural Health Network February of 2021! We wanted to tell you a little bit about Anita...She grew up in a small town in Minnesota. In the beginning of 2016, she moved to Grand County with...
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