Community IMPACT Team

Join Our Monthly Meetings

It takes more than one voice to speak for a community. Voices that speak together are stronger together. The Grand County Rural Health Network’s Community IMPACT Team (Individuals Making Positive Action & Change Together; formerly known as the Community Leader Group) is a group of passionate Grand County residents working to address important issues facing our community. Our current focus areas are affordable housing, behavioral health (specifically suicide prevention), and preventive health. We invite you to come to our monthly meetings and be a part of the change in our community.

To attend the meeting by Zoom, click here or here is the link to copy and paste into your internet browser:

Get Involved! Advocacy Opportunities

We know that stories have the power to persuade and move people to action, which is why we would like to share your story about housing or mental health in Grand County! It can be a video you create on your own or with our assistance, a written story, or an anonymous story. See the section below titled “Sharing Stories” for some examples. If you would be interested in sharing your story, please contact Jennifer Tibbetts at 970-725-3477 or email

Can’t attend all of the Community IMPACT Team meetings? No problem. We can add you to our Community IMPACT Team emailing list to receive the meeting notes straight to your inbox. If you would like to be added to this email list, contact Jennifer Tibbetts at 970-725-3477 or email

Participating in any of the following meetings or trainings is another great way to have your voice heard and learn about current policies. Most meetings can be attended and/or listened to in person or virtually. For more information about any of the following advocacy opportunities, please click the ‘Get Details’ button below.
Grand County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) Meetings
Town Meetings
LivingWorks Start Suicide Online Training
State Housing Board Monthly Meetings
Renter’s Roundtable

Our Mental Health Efforts

Mental Health/Suicide Prevention Web Pages & Updated Mental Health Resource Directory

Special thanks to one of our Community IMPACT Team members, Kasy Allen, who took action with her web expertise to create new mental health pages for us! They are on the community online health resource directory: Not only are they great looking, but they are informative and inspirational. Be sure to check them out to #beinformed and also to tell others about them. To check them out, click here.
Also, the Mental Health Resource Directory has been updated and we are pleased to have so many additions of new providers to assist our community members!

Sharing Stories

The Community IMPACT Team has identified affordable housing and mental health as the top two priorities affecting the health of our community. To support awareness of these issues and their impact, we will be sharing stories from community members brave enough to speak about their own experiences.

Our Affordable Housing Efforts

Newspaper Ads, Social Media & Other Efforts

Grand County Housing Statistics

The Community IMPACT Team (formerly Community Leader Cohort/Group) guided state partners on the agenda and action items needed for the Affordable Housing Forum that occurred in March 2021. The Team then ran these ads in local papers and on social media in March and April 2021 to educate the community about the issue. These ads generated some good conversations, and helped encourage others to join the Group’s next meeting to make change around affordable housing.

Interested in Getting Involved?

Are you interested in becoming involved and attending the monthly meetings? We value your time and can pay you for your attendance, if you qualify financially. To sign up, please fill out this Survey Monkey application:

If you are interested, please contact Jennifer Tibbetts at 970-725-3477 or email

Our Events

Find details about local events including our annual fundraising event

Health Resource Guide

Explore health resources available in Grand County at

Take Action

Donate, Volunteer, Advocate - help make a difference in healthcare in Grand County

Donna’s Story

Donna (not her real name) called our office in tears in late August 2018 because she had lost her Medicaid coverage. Donna was worried because she wasn’t able to afford her prescriptions without her insurance and felt the stress of it all might cause her to relapse on...

Mark’s Story

There is nowhere Mark Davis would rather live than the mountains of Colorado. Now 60 years old, Davis is a carpenter who specialized in remodeling houses in the Front Range and, later, in Grand County. For nearly 10 years, he lived near Grand Lake in an apartment with...

Bob’s Story

Listen as Bob shares in the video about how he didn't realize he needed support until he met our Care Coordinator John.

Lisa’s Story

What spurred the creation of this video was simply a phone call made by a grateful client to someone on our Network staff, calling just to say "thank you" for our help. We were pleased that Lisa was willing to share her story of her "trials and tribulations" (as she...

Maria’s Story

Following a car accident in March 2018, Maria (not her real name) was referred to the Grand County Rural Health Network by Middle Park Health’s Kremmling Clinic for financial assistance to obtain prescription medications due to severe injuries, including a blood clot...