Take Action

You know that the health of our community lies in the health of each of our neighbors. There are many ways that you can help us ensure that everyone in our community has what they need to THRIVE and BE HEALTHY.

How You Can Help

Donate Volunteer Advocate Learn Join Our Board


Donate Now

Donations are graciously accepted to our general fund or a specific program. We accept donations online using VISA, MC or AMEX. If you would like to make a donation by check or money order, please mail it to the following:

Grand County Rural Health Network
PO Box 95
Hot Sulphur Springs, CO 80451

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept donations for specific individuals. We will gladly accept donations in honor or on behalf of an individual.

If you have questions about how your funds are utilized or would like information on estate planning, stock donations, goods and services donations, or direct program donations, please contact Jen Fanning at 970-725-3477.

Other Ways To Give

Join Colorado’s largest 24-hour giving event on the first Tuesday of December, and support the nonprofits that make a difference in our lives. Give today! Don’t worry if you miss it – donations can also be made any day of the year!

Become a Sponsor

Become a Sponsor or a donor in our Annual Gratitude for Grand: Give a High Five for Health Fundraiser, held each fall. By giving someone, an organization or group a High Five, you are also supporting our Network’s work.

City Market logo

Did you know that even your grocery store purchases can help support us! It only takes a few minutes online to link your value shoppers card to your digital account and choose your community rewards to support GCRHN.


If you interested in making a difference in healthcare in Grand County, we have many volunteer opportunities:

  • Become a Board Member
  • Join a Governing Committee, such as the Finance Committee or Fundraising Committee
  • Help with our annual fundraising event
  • Assist with office tasks, such as newsletters, mailings, etc.
  • Attend monthly board meetings to learn about county healthcare issues
  • Be a volunteer driver to transport patients to medical appointments

Join your neighbors to work in partnership to improve and direct the future of our healthcare in Grand County!

For more information, please contact Christine or Jen at 970-725-3477.


Community IMPACT Team
Get involved in our Community IMPACT Team to help solve real community issues! This group has collectively chosen to focus on affordable housing and mental health issues. We can pay you for your time, if you qualify financially. Click here to learn more and if you’re interested, contact Jennifer Tibbetts, Community Engagement Specialist at 970-725-3477 or email jtibbetts@gcruralhealth.org.

Learn & Be In The Know


Follow us on Facebook to gain knowledge, whether about our program and services updates or other educational material that we share from other trusted resources. Find us: @gcrhn

Follow us on Instagram for our program and services updates. Find us: @gcrruralhealth


Check out Our Blog with posts about COVID-19, Health Insurance, and other Health News! (Currently under construction – check back soon!)

Join Our Board Meetings!

The Grand County Rural Health Network Board of Directors meets on the first Wednesday of each month. Meetings may be attended upon invite only. For the meeting location and to request an invite, please call our Executive Director, Amanda Uehlein, at 970-725-3477 or email Amanda by the Monday prior if you are interested in attending. (Board meetings are in-person with a Zoom or Teams link option; please let us know in advance if you will attend virtually.)

To learn more about our Board of Directors and possible open positions, please contact Executive Director, Amanda Uehlein, by either email at auehlein@gcruralhealth.org or call 970-725-3477.

Visit Meet Our Team page for a list of our current Board members.

Our Events

Find details about local events including our annual fundraising event

Health Resource Guide

Explore health resources available in Grand County at healthygrandcounty.org

Take Action

Donate, Volunteer, Advocate - help make a difference in healthcare in Grand County

Maria’s Story

Following a car accident in March 2018, Maria (not her real name) was referred to the Grand County Rural Health Network by Middle Park Health’s Kremmling Clinic for financial assistance to obtain prescription medications due to severe injuries, including a blood clot...

Donna’s Story

Donna (not her real name) called our office in tears in late August 2018 because she had lost her Medicaid coverage. Donna was worried because she wasn’t able to afford her prescriptions without her insurance and felt the stress of it all might cause her to relapse on...

Lisa’s Story

What spurred the creation of this video was simply a phone call made by a grateful client to someone on our Network staff, calling just to say "thank you" for our help. We were pleased that Lisa was willing to share her story of her "trials and tribulations" (as she...

Bob’s Story

Listen as Bob shares in the video about how he didn't realize he needed support until he met our Care Coordinator John.

Mark’s Story

There is nowhere Mark Davis would rather live than the mountains of Colorado. Now 60 years old, Davis is a carpenter who specialized in remodeling houses in the Front Range and, later, in Grand County. For nearly 10 years, he lived near Grand Lake in an apartment with...