Direct Services

We get it. Understanding the healthcare system is challenging. Affording the health care you need is difficult. Our team provides access, resources, and support for all our Grand and Jackson County neighbors to lead their healthiest lives. Services are FREE and offered in English or Spanish. 

Our Direct Services include:

Health Coverage Guide Program

You need health insurance. We can help you make sense of it.

Our team of certified Health Coverage Guides provides free education and support to any Grand or Jackson County resident in need. As part of Connect for Health Colorado’s statewide network, we are here to help you explore your options for health insurance and financial assistance. 

Patient Navigation Program

You feel overwhelmed and confused by the healthcare system. We can help you navigate it.

Our team of navigators can help you with anything that limits you from getting the health care services you need. These services are FREE to Grand and Jackson County residents. Our team broadly supports a wide variety of physical and mental health needs through care coordination, patient navigation, promotora de salud, peer recovery coordination, and high-fidelity wraparound services. 

ACHES and PAINS Healthcare Voucher Program

Are you or your children uninsured? Need to see a doctor, therapist, or dentist? Worried about affordable treatment? The ACHES and PAINS healthcare voucher program provides those who qualify with access to medical, dental, mental health, and supportive services. 

Our Events

Find details about local events including our annual fundraising event

Health Resource Guide

Explore health resources available in Grand County at

Take Action

Donate, Volunteer, Advocate - help make a difference in healthcare in Grand County

Maria’s Story

Following a car accident in March 2018, Maria (not her real name) was referred to the Grand County Rural Health Network by Middle Park Health’s Kremmling Clinic for financial assistance to obtain prescription medications due to severe injuries, including a blood clot...

Donna’s Story

Donna (not her real name) called our office in tears in late August 2018 because she had lost her Medicaid coverage. Donna was worried because she wasn’t able to afford her prescriptions without her insurance and felt the stress of it all might cause her to relapse on...

Bob’s Story

Listen as Bob shares in the video about how he didn't realize he needed support until he met our Care Coordinator John.

Mark’s Story

There is nowhere Mark Davis would rather live than the mountains of Colorado. Now 60 years old, Davis is a carpenter who specialized in remodeling houses in the Front Range and, later, in Grand County. For nearly 10 years, he lived near Grand Lake in an apartment with...

Lisa’s Story

What spurred the creation of this video was simply a phone call made by a grateful client to someone on our Network staff, calling just to say "thank you" for our help. We were pleased that Lisa was willing to share her story of her "trials and tribulations" (as she...