Our Grand County Rural Health Network Board of Directors meet the first Wednesday of each month from 6:30-8:30 pm. Meetings may be attended upon invite only. For the meeting location and to request an invite, please call Jen Fanning at 970-725-3477 or email Jen Fanning by the Monday prior if you are interested in attending. (Board meetings are […]
Please join the Community IMPACT Team at the Troublesome Fest for our collaboration with Tame Wellness! There will be space for games, snacks, and connecting with old and new friends!
Please contact Makena Line at MLine@mindspringshealth.org for the location of each meeting. In-person attendance is encouraged, but an online format will be available. Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82404304210?pwd=d2FDalZlSExoZ2N2Ri9UdWpFOXRrQT09