Covid-19 Weekly Update

May 2, 2021 | Covid-19

Grand County providers have administered 13,387 doses, this is a combined total of both first and second doses. GCPH estimates that 56.8% of the County has some level of immunity to the disease. Continue reading for the current numbers of cases, hospitalizations, and active outbreaks. Be informed. Review Covid-19 Facts vs. Myths.

Information shared from Grand Country Public Health 


Grand County has seen 34 new COVID-19 cases in the last week, 56 in the past two weeks. There are currently four hospitalizations and two active outbreaks. Because an increase of COVID-19 positive cases are occurring statewide, GCPH continues to encourage individuals to seek testing if experiencing symptoms. However, we do recommend contacting your Primary Care Provider first and foremost. Learn about testing options at

Grand County providers have administered 13,387 doses, this is a combined total of both first and second doses. GCPH estimates that 56.8% of the County has some level of immunity to the disease, including those who were infected with COVID in the last 90 days. Only eligible residents 18 and older have been included in the previous population immunity calculations. Residents ages 16 and older will be added to the eligible population calculation starting in May based on 2019 state demographer data. 

To learn more about vaccine distribution in Grand County, visit There you will find a calendar with vaccine clinics for each provider throughout the County. You do not need to be a patient of any of the clinics or medical providers to receive a COVID-19 vaccine at their facility. Furthermore, you do not need to receive your second dose at the same location as your first dose, but you do need to receive the same brand of vaccine for both doses. All clinics require pre-registration. Links to all clinics/providers can be found by clicking on the calendar or viewing the table below the calendar. Need help scheduling or getting transportation to vaccine clinics? Call the Grand County Rural Health Network at 970-725-3477.

GCPH will resume administering the Johnson & Johnson vaccine next week. The Vaccine Distribution calendar will be updated once those clinics are finalized. Please visit for updates.

Note to individuals 16-17 years of age: You are only eligible to receive the Pfizer vaccine, and the only vaccine provider in Grand County currently offering the Pfizer vaccine is Safeway in Fraser.

COVID-19 is Now Considered a Vaccine-Preventable Disease

Because of vaccines, some diseases (like polio and measles) are becoming rare in the United States. Vaccination against a range of bacterial and viral diseases is an integral part of communicable disease control worldwide. Vaccination against a specific disease, like COVID-19, not only reduces the incidence of that disease, it reduces the social and economic burden of the disease on communities. It is worth a shot.

COVID-19 Vaccine Myth vs. Fact

MYTH: Getting the COVID-19 vaccine means I can stop wearing my mask and taking coronavirus precautions.

FACT: Individuals who get the COVID-19 vaccination still need to practice infection prevention precautions. Keep your mask on, and continue staying at least six (6) feet from people outside your household. Vaccines do not stop the coronavirus from entering your body; they only prevent you from developing moderate to severe COVID-19.

MYTH: Getting the COVID-19 vaccine gives you COVID-19.

FACT: The vaccine for COVID-19 cannot and will not give you COVID-19. The two authorized mRNA vaccines instruct your cells to reproduce a protein that is part of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which helps your body recognize and fight the virus if it comes along. However, the COVID-19 vaccine does not contain the SARS-Co-2 virus, so you cannot get COVID-19 from the vaccine. The protein that helps your immune system recognize and fight the virus does not cause infection of any sort. Vaccines will not cause you to test positive on a PCR or antigen test but should result in a positive antibody test two weeks after you have been fully vaccinated. This means your body has developed antibodies to COVID-19 as intended after vaccination.

MYTH: The COVID-19 vaccine was developed with or contains controversial substances.

FACT: The first two COVID-19 vaccines to be authorized by the FDA contain mRNA and other, normal vaccine ingredients, such as fats (which protect the mRNA), salts, as well as a small amount of sugar. These COVID-19 vaccines were not developed using fetal tissue, and they do not contain any material, such as implants, microchips or tracking devices.

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