Show Your Gratitude

Our annual fundraiser lets our donors show their gratitude to those who have supported them!

We ensure that everyone in our community has what they need to thrive and be healthy. We do that by working in partnership to advocate for and support the health of our community. We are a nonprofit health alliance focused on health equity.

We are healthier together!

Support Needed for Our ACHES & PAINS Healthcare Voucher Program!

  • The ACHES & PAINS program began in 2005 as a temporary solution to offer access to care to people who are uninsured or underinsured and cannot afford it.
  • More than 2,021 adults and children received over 3,167 healthcare vouchers to support their medical, dental or mental health since 2015.
  • From January 2023 to March 2024, the Network lost over $73,000 to cover healthcare vouchers and the work involved in managing the program.
  • In 2024, we need $100,000 to keep up with the community’s increasing needs!
  • Help ensure this valuable program continues to support our community.
  • We are pleased to announce that we have successfully raised $80,000 as of August!!  Special thanks to all who have contributed and especially to our first ACHES & PAINS Corporate Sponsor, Climax Molybdenum!

What Our Clients & Partners Have to Say

“This program saved my life.”
– PAINS program client

“While the (voucher) program was meant to be temporary, I do not see a healthy future for Grand County without this gap program.” 
– Kristyn Roe, MS, LPC-S, Professional Counselor Supervisor, Fraser

Exciting News About Our Network Staff!

Jen Fanning and Amanda Uehlein

We are delighted to announce that Amanda Uehlein is now Grand County Rural Health Network’s new Executive Director! Amanda took the helm September 1, 2024 from our previous ED Jen Fanning, who plans to spend more time with family and explore fresh opportunities.

“We are happy to announce this transition. With her expertise in mental health and nonprofit management as well as a supportive and collaborative leadership style, Amanda is the right person to move forward the organization’s current work and future initiatives,” says Derek Ortner, the Network’s board chair.

Amanda has worked for the organization for 6 years and has held the Associate Director role since 2021. She is a passionate advocate for equity, social justice, and the health and wellbeing of our rural community.

Jen leaves the Network after 17 years of service, 16 of those as executive director.  “Jen has expertly led the organization through many community and national crises, while ensuring we serve our neighbors in need. We would not be the organization we are today without her leadership and vision,” shared Ortner.

Please join us in congratulating Amanda on this exciting news! Read more about these ladies’ accomplishments and this role transition in our press release

What does Grand County Rural Health Network do?

GCRHN 4 Lines of Service Circle Logo

The Network’s 4 Lines of Service work together to ensure everyone in our community has what they need to thrive and be healthy:

Direct Service

Direct Services

We help people get the care they need in the existing system.

Community Organizing

Community Organizing

We help create movement around issues that matter to our neighbors. We connect people to opportunities to advocate for change.

  • Community IMPACT Team:
    – Leadership development
    – Connecting impacted community members to decision making table
  • Community Awareness Events
Collective Impact

Collective Impact

We bring partners together to define a problem, create a shared vision, and work to solve it.

  • Health and Human Resources Coalition
  • Behavioral Wellness Community-wide Strategic Plan
  • Navigator Team Meetings
  • Behavioral Health Navigator Advisory Committee
  • Online resource:
  • Peak Health Alliance
  • School-Based Health Centers planning & education
  • Business & Resource Hub / Centralized Building


We are a change agent. We speak for or against a cause, policy or interest. This can be for an individual or community. We advocate for:

  • Individual clients
  • Impacted community members
  • Grand & Jackson Counties
  • Rural community
  • Issues that impact health
  • Committees to influence policy


Need to see a Dentist?
Contact Us at 970.725.3477

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When you donate to Grand County Rural Health Network, you help us provide programs and services that identify and overcome barriers to healthcare for our community.

Hear from Our Clients